HKSYU welcomes members of the community to contribute to our sustainable development by sharing your story via the University’s official social media channels. To ensure that the content is consistent with our vision and development direction, simple yet effective messages that can generate ideal publicity impacts is important. We have prepared below form to help organising your content which will assist our team in reviewing your material and preparing it for posting. We will contact you on the 7th working days or later after receiving the information. 香港樹仁大學致力讓持份者參與大學的持續發展,歡迎各成員通過校方的資訊平台分享故事。為確保內容與仁大發展方向及理念一致,產生理想宣傳效果,讓目標受眾易於理解傳播訊息,請按以下表格填寫資料,部門最快在7個工作天之後聯絡跟進。
Auto-Generated 自動生成
(Enter words) e.g. Name of activity (輸入文字) 例如:活動名稱
(Enter words) e.g. Main message of the activity and name of stakeholders (輸入文字) 例如:活動關鍵內容與參加者名字
(Tick as appropriate and enter words on last option) (選擇方格+最後一欄輸入文字)
(Tick as appropriate and enter words on last option) (選擇方格)
Upload File / 上載檔案
(Tick as appropriate) (選擇方格)
(Tick as appropriate.) (選擇方格)
(Enter words) (輸入文字)
(Enter words) (輸入文字)
Add small note: Separate each name with comma (用逗號分隔每個名字)
(Calendar: choose the appropriate) (日曆:選擇)
(Clock: 24 hour format) (時鐘:24 小時制)
Pixel/像素 : 1920 x 1080 Format/格式: JPG, PNG Size/大小: 1 - 5MB
(please provide a link for downloading MP4 video file OR provide a video link) (請提供下載MP4影片檔案的連結或提供影片連結)
Upload File / 上載檔案 Pixel/像素:1280 x 720 Ratio/比例:16:9 Format/格式:jpg, jpeg, png Size/大小:Below 2M
A special link to resume the form will be sent to your email address.